Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stone incense burners

If you've ever held a natural  quartz crystal you can feel the energy from it. I love having them in my room and around my work desk.  Quartz crystals are used in expanding the mind to touch the spirit world. Crystals are used to enhance the beneficial life force. Crystal water (water that a quartz crystal has been placed) has been drunk for its healthy benefits for centuries.

It has been said Atlantis was destroyed by the incorrect use of quartz crystals. Edgar Cayce spoke about an energy stone in Atlantis. Mr. Cayce's description of the energy stone fits quartz crystal. Many stones are mentioned in the bible, as well.  Some people think crystals are new age. How can something that has been used since cave living man be new age?

What better way to enhance and send out natural energies than using one when burning your incense?  I've wrapped them directly onto the burner. I plan to use different stones with different properties. The holder on the left was made with quartz crystal, yellow and green jade and carnelian. This was custom made for a friend.


  1. I absolutely love these!!! Especially the ones with the coiled wire. Beautiful!!!!

  2. Thank you Mystic!!!! I have one by my work desk. ;)


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    Blessings and look forward to hearing from you.

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