Sunday, October 10, 2010

More Agates

These green agate beads extra large and make perfect pendants. Copper wire combines with colors in the stone beads nicely. The first bead has been wrapped with weaved copper wire. I then oxidized it with a mixture of sea salt and Ammonia. The chemical reaction makes a nice blackish blue color.

The second agate is a beautiful apple green peppered with black speckles. I coiled and then used a netted wire wrap and accented it with brown seed beads.


  1. Beautiful as usual Terry. Good to hear from you, it has been a while.

  2. Congratulations, that created the wonderful work! Kisskiss Lulu

  3. Thank you Mary. Yes it has been a while. Hope all is well with you.
    Thank you Lulu.
    blessings to you both.
